Spring into Hope

Full disclosure, Spring is my least favorite season. It’s rainy (sometimes snowy) and therefore muddy. I never know how to dress since the weather is inconsistent. I always think it’s going to be warmer than it is and end up feeling cold. 

However, it continues to be a season of hope! Fresh blossoms begin to grow. New growth is planted; new animals are born. The weather begins to get nicer, and we begin to look forward to summer. 

Spring may be the season of hope, but hope in the Lord is always in season. We can always turn to Him and know He is finding a way for each of us. We can be confident in this hope all year long. Hebrews 10:23 tells us to hold onto it “unswervingly”-without letting go, staying steadfast in it. 

Earlier verses in that chapter remind us to be confident in our faith in Him. They remind us that the closer we draw to God, the more assurance in faith we will find, which brings us hope. Trials will come, just like winter arrives every year; however, our hope, our light, is in Him. And it is never out of season. 

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