
I will praise you, LORD, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.

                                             Psalm 108:3

This week I felt convicted by God’s Spirit to write about praise. Specifically, taking the time to praise the One who blesses us, guides us, and who breathes life into us. 

Truthfully, I was driving (a time God often speaks to me) to a place I find great joy. It was cold and a part of me wanted to grumble about winter. Then there was a tug on my  heart to give thanks to God for what I was about to get to do. It dawned on me the importance of recognizing the joy and giving thanks to God for it. Later, when a verse about praise came up while I was scrolling my phone, I thought, how often do I praise God, like, truly spend time in my mind and heart giving Him the adoration He deserves?

We often say “Praise God” or “Praise the Lord,” but how often outside of worship time at church or in unison with the pastor do we turn our hearts toward God and give Him praise? What does this even look like?

Praise is defined as “expressing warm approval or admiration of.” It is taking the time to express our awe, admiration, and gratefulness of the awesome God we worship. Praise can be done through music, sharing our God with others while acknowledging His greatness, or simply telling God you recognize the goodness He’s brought to your life. 

There are times when praising God is hard-not because we don’t know how, but because life has places itself in the way. I think these may be the times we need to praise God the most as it can steer our hearts and minds to the Light that can guide us and fill us with peace. 

In my convicted moment, I made a commitment to work on praising God more with sincerity in all moments. I encourage you this Worship Wednesday to spend time reflecting on the wonderful ways God is working in your life and praise God for them. To spend time finding ways to give Him praise. I pray this stirs joy in you as it did for me and that you begin to see the true wonder God is!


Heavenly Father, Your power, majesty, and beautiful works are beyond measure! I offer my praise to You for all You do for me-for Your grace, mercy, and the moments of joy You provide. Open my mind to see You in all parts of my life and help me to remember to pause and give You the attention and glory You deserve. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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