
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Whether we can see it or not, God does have a plan for us. His plan is ALWAYS for our good. His love and grace surpass our understanding. If He loves us that much, surely He has good in store for us.

Yet there are times when it is a struggle to see it and feel it. In those times, we must fight to lean on Him and hang on to the hope He provides.

Sometimes we must draw on the faith of others to do this. That is okay! We were created to help one another, and to be in community with one another.

Hang on, lean in, lean on, search for the hope. It’s there and so is He. His good for us also surpasses our understanding.

Heavenly Father,
How grateful I am to You for the wonderful blessings and plans You have in store for me. Give me a heart and mind filled with faith and hope that gives me peace knowing You are paving the way to Your good, prosperous plan for me. When I can’t see it, show me where to lean and how to keep moving forward. When I can see it, provide me the strength to do what You ask and to accept Your blessings with a grateful heart.
In Jesus’ Name,

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